Biological Areas (0)
Existing Facilities (2)
Proposed Facilities (3)
Bridge (4)
Bus Stop (6)
Route (7)
| 200 |
| 201 |
| 300 |
| 379 |
| 380 |
| 381 |
| 383 |
| 384 |
| 385 |
| 387 |
| 388 |
| 389 |
| 390 |
| 391 |
| 392 |
| 393 |
| 394 |
| 395 |
| 396 |
| 709 |
Pavement Projects (166)
| Engineering |
| Other |
| Outside Agency |
| Public Works |
| <all other values> |
Citywide C3 Impervious Credit (12)
Line (15)
Poly (16)
BART Connectivity (17)
| Existing Class I |
| OBAG 2 (Proposed) |
Line (19)
Polygon (20)
Family Harvest Farm (21)
| 24 Parking stalls |
| 2x ADA Parking Stalls |
| Approx. 25 overflow parking stalls |
| Chicken Coop |
| Compost Bins |
| Cooling Room |
| Family Room |
| Greenhouse |
| Growing site |
| Restrooms |
| Road |
| Sidewalk |
| Storage/Temp Family Room |
| Wash/Prep Room |
| Water Tank |
| <all other values> |
1- 3 DU / AC (23)
3- 5 DU / AC (24)
Graded Slope (25)
Undeveloped (26)
Boundary (27)
| |
| 150 ' Ridgeline Buffer |
| Pittsburrg-Concord Ridgeline |
Centerline Stationing (29)
Contours (30)
Daylight (31)
Elevation (32)
Right of Way (33)
Streetbase Line (34)
| 2l road length |
| ST-CL |
| ST-EP |
| ST-ROW |
| design-ramp |
| st-grail_r |
| <all other values> |
Streetbase polygon (35)
| design-ramp |
| <all other values> |
Proposed Ameresco (50)
Stoneman Boundary (49)
Seeno Parcel (48)
Making Waves (36)
Montreux (37)
MTF Parking (38)
San Marcos Commercial (40)
San Marcos Commercial Zone (41)
| Major "A" |
| Pad 1 |
| Pad 2 |
| Total Area |
San Marco Phase 16 & 17 (11)
SkyRanch Tanks (42)
SkyRanch II (43)
Tuscany Meadows (44)
Curb Ramp (45)
| Blue |
| Orange |
| Pink |
| Red |
| Under Construction |
| Y |
| <all other values> |
PMW Data (185)
| LLA |
| LLA/LM |
| LM |
| LM/LLA |
| LS |
| LV |
| PM |
| <all other values> |
Easement (47)
ShotSpotter proposed (78)
ShotSpotter Vicinity Location (79)
Highway Stretch (51)
Chevron Pipeline (53)
| Crude Oil |
| Gas |
| Refined Products |
| <all other values> |
Natural Gas (54)
Nitrogen (84)
GHAD (57)
| Oak Hill |
| San Marco |
| Vista Del Mar |
GHAD Parcels (58)
Creeks & Drainages (87)
Canal Mile Markers (10)
Watersheds (88)
| Kirker Creek |
| Willow Creek and Coastal Drainages |
Storm Watershed (90)
Node (91)
Drainage (92)
| Existing Channel |
| Existing Pipe |
Creeks RMA (94)
Storm Watershed (95)
| Watershed 1 |
| Watershed 2 |
| Watershed 3 Lawlor Creek |
| Watershed 4 |
| Watershed 5 |
| Watershed 6 |
| Watershed 7 |
| Watershed 8 Kirker Creek |
HOA (104)
Neighborhood Watch (105)
A - Every Tuesday & Thursday (108)
B - Every Friday (109)
C - Every Wednesday (110)
D - Every Monday (111)
1st and 3rd Monday (113)
1st and 3rd Tuesday (114)
1st and 3rd Wednesday (115)
1st and 3rd Thrusday (116)
1st and 3rd Friday (117)
2nd and 4th Monday (118)
| No |
| Yes |
2nd and 4th Tuesday (119)
| No |
| Yes |
2nd and 4th Wednesday (120)
| No |
| Yes |
2nd and 4th Thursday (121)
2nd and 4th Friday (122)
SS Code Enforcement (123)
TMA Record (125)
Creeks & Drainages (126)
Trash Management Areas (127)
| Very High - Low |
Parking Permits (124)
Management Zones (96)
PCI Condition Labels (179)
PCI - Very Poor (180)
PCI - Poor (181)
PCI - Fair (182)
PCI - Good (183)
PCI Condition Labels (177)
PCI - Very Poor (176)
PCI - Poor (170)
PCI - Fair (171)
PCI - Good (172)
PCI Condition Labels (140)
PCI - Very Poor (141)
PCI - Poor (142)
PCI - Fair (143)
PCI -Good (144)
Road Name Blade (193)
| Street Name Blade |
Speed Limits (195)
Stop Signs (194)
All Road Signs (147)
| Guide |
| Other |
| Regulatory |
| Unknown |
| Warning |
Clayton Liquefaction Zone (159)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Clayton landslide Zone (174)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Antioch North Liquefaction Zone (150)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Antioch South Landslide Zone (151)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Honker Bay Landslide Zone (152)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Antioch South Liquefaction Zone (153)
| Copyright© Department of Conservation |
Honker Bay Liquefaction Zone (154)
| Copyright© 2019 Department of Conservation |
Single Parcels (155)
Soils (156)
| 146aw |
| 158aw |
| 160aw |
| AaDaa |
| AaE |
| AaF |
| AaG |
| AbD |
| AbE |
| AcF |
| AcG |
| AdA |
| AdC |
| BaA |
| BaC |
| Bb |
| Bc |
| BdE |
| BdE2 |
| BdF |
| BdF2 |
| BeB |
| CaA |
| CaC |
| CbA |
| Cc |
| CdAaa |
| CdBaa |
| CeA |
| CeB |
| ChA |
| CkB |
| CmE |
| CnE |
| CoE |
| CoF |
| DAM |
| DaBaa |
| DaC |
| DbCaa |
| DbDaa |
| DbE2aa |
| DdD |
| DdE |
| DdF |
| DeE |
| DeF |
| Ea |
| FaG |
| Fc |
| Fd |
| GaA |
| GaB |
| GaF2aa |
| GbE |
| GbF |
| GbG |
| GcE |
| GcF |
| GcG |
| Ja |
| KaC |
| KaE |
| Kb |
| La |
| LaCaa |
| LaDaa |
| LaE2aa |
| LbD |
| LbE |
| LcE |
| LcF |
| LcG |
| Ld |
| LeE |
| LeF |
| LeG |
| LhE |
| LhF |
| LhG |
| Lk |
| Lm |
| LtDaa |
| LtE2aa |
| LuDaa |
| LuE2aa |
| Ma |
| Mb |
| Mc |
| Md |
| MeE |
| MeF |
| MeG |
| MhF2aa |
| Oa |
| Ob |
| PaC |
| PaD |
| Pb |
| Pc |
| Pd |
| Pe |
| Ph |
| PkA |
| PkC |
| Qa |
| Ra |
| RbA |
| RbC |
| RbD |
| RcA |
| Rd |
| Re |
| Rh |
| Sa |
| Sb |
| Sc |
| SdE |
| SdF |
| SdG |
| Se |
| Sfaa |
| Sh |
| Sk |
| Sm |
| Sn |
| So |
| Sp |
| TaC |
| TaD |
| TaE |
| Ub |
| VaF |
| Vb |
| W |
| Wa |
| ZaA |
| ZaB |
| <all other values> |
Sound Walls Rehab (157)
Streetlight LS1 LS2 POINTS (68)
| LS1-A |
| LS1-B |
| LS1-C |
| LS1-D |
| LS1-E |
| LS1-F |
| LS1-F1 |
| LS2-A |
| LS2-B |
| LS2-C |
| LS3 |
| OL1 |
| <all other values> |
Streetlight LS1 LS2 POINTS (69)
| LS1-A |
| LS1-B |
| LS1-C |
| LS1-D |
| LS1-E |
| LS1-F |
| LS1-F1 |
| LS2-A |
| LS2-B |
| LS2-C |
| LS3 |
| OL1 |
| <all other values> |
Street with Index (173)
Street with Index2 (160)
Major Subdivisions (162)
Minor Subdivisions (163)
| FMS 678-92 |
| MS 243-73 |
| MS 28-88 |
| MS 66-01 |
| MS 67-03 |
| MS 67-04 |
| MS 67-05 |
| MS 675-88 |
| MS 676-01 |
| MS 676-02 |
| MS 676-03 |
| MS 676-04 |
| MS 676-11 |
| MS 676-14 |
| MS 676-80 |
| MS 676-82 |
| MS 676-89 |
| MS 676-91 |
| MS 676-94 |
| MS 676-95 |
| MS 676-96 |
| MS 677-04 |
| MS 677-05 |
| MS 677-80 |
| MS 677-81 |
| MS 677-84 |
| MS 677-85 |
| MS 677-87 |
| MS 677-91 |
| MS 677-96 |
| MS 677-97 |
| MS 677-98 |
| MS 678-01 |
| MS 678-04 |
| MS 678-05 |
| MS 678-80 |
| MS 678-83 |
| MS 678-87 |
| MS 678-89 |
| MS 678-90 |
| MS 678-91 |
| MS 678-96 |
| MS 678-97 |
| MS 679-01 |
| MS 679-05 |
| MS 679-80 |
| MS 679-81 |
| MS 679-83 |
| MS 679-90 |
| MS 679-92 |
| MS 679-96 |
| MS 68-01 |
| MS 68-02 |
| MS 68-03 |
| MS 680-05 |
| MS 680-84 |
| MS 680-93 |
| MS 681-80 |
| MS 681-84 |
| MS 681-90 |
| MS 681-92 |
| MS 681-93 |
| MS 682-84 |
| MS 682-90 |
| MS 69-01 |
| MS 69-02 |
| MS 70-01 |
| MS 71-02 |
| MS 71-02 |
| MS 72-02 |
| MS 73-01 |
| MS 74-02 |
| MS 74-03 |
| MS 74-06 |
| MS 74-5 |
| MS 74-85 |
| MS 75-02 |
| MS 75-3 |
| MS 76-01 |
| MS 76-02 |
| MS 76-03 |
| MS 76-04 |
| MS 76-06 |
| MS 76-07 |
| MS 76-08 |
| MS 76-09 |
| MS 76-10 |
| MS 76-11 |
| MS 77-01 |
| MS 77-02 |
| MS 77-03 |
| MS 77-04 |
| MS 77-05 |
| MS 78-01 |
| MS 78-03 |
| MS 78-04 |
| MS 78-05 |
| MS 78-06 |
| MS 79-03 |
| MS 79-04 |
| MS 79-06 |
| MS 79-09 |
| MS 79-11 |
| MS X9-83 |
| MS X9-85 |
| MS/MS679-80 |
| MS/MS679-83 |
| MWS 77-01 |
| PM 79-02 |
Traffic Intersections (85)
| 2070 |
| TS2 980 |
| <all other values> |
Truck Routes (164)
Vacant Lot (165)