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Legend (FinalGrouping/Building_Planning)

BART Stations (78)
Crosswalks (74)
All Way Stop All Way Stop
All Way Stop Controlled All Way Stop Controlled
New Crosswalks New Crosswalks
Side-Street Stop Control Side-Street Stop Control
Signalized Signalized
Uncontrolled Uncontrolled
Uncontrolled (roundabout) Uncontrolled (roundabout)
Sidewalk Gap (75)
Sidewalk Gap South/West of Street Sidewalk Gap South/West of Street
Sidewalk Gap North/East of Street Sidewalk Gap North/East of Street
Trail Alignment (71)
Existing Trail Existing Trail
Proposed Trail Proposed Trail
Spur Spur
Trail Segment (72)
Existing Existing
Spur Spur
1A 1A
1B 1B
1C 1C
2A 2A
2B 2B
2C 2C
3 3
4 4
4A 4A
5 5
Existing Bicycle Facilities (67)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Proposed Bicycle Facilities (68)
Grade Separated Enhancement Grade Separated Enhancement
Proposed CCTA Bicycle Plan Network (69)
Key Locations (79)
College College
Government Government
Library Library
Marina Marina
School School
Shopping Center Shopping Center
Downtown (77)
Prioritization Corridor (66)
Affordable Housing Sites (2)
Accessory Dwelling Unit Accessory Dwelling Unit
Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit
Multi-Family Multi-Family
Single-Family Single-Family
<all other values> <all other values>
eBART Location (47)
1/4 and 1/2 Mile from BART (48)
Parcels to be included within CFD (49)
Future Annexation Area Boundary (50)
Current Development Project Pipeline (3)
Cell Tower / Antenna Modification Cell Tower / Antenna Modification
Commercial / Institutional Commercial / Institutional
Industrial Industrial
Multi-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential
Single Family Residential Single Family Residential
Other Other
Large FCC's (35)
300 ft Buffer (39)
General Plan (2040) (95)
Community Commercial Community Commercial
Downtown Commercial Downtown Commercial
Downtown High Density Residential Downtown High Density Residential
Downtown Low Density Residential Downtown Low Density Residential
Downtown Medium Density Residential Downtown Medium Density Residential
Employment Center Industrial Employment Center Industrial
High Density Residential High Density Residential
Hillside Low Density Residential Hillside Low Density Residential
Industrial Industrial
Landfill Landfill
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential
Marina Commercial Marina Commercial
Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential
Mixed Use (Community Commercial) Mixed Use (Community Commercial)
Mixed Use (Downtown) Mixed Use (Downtown)
Mixed Use (General) Mixed Use (General)
Mixed Use (P/BP BART) Mixed Use (P/BP BART)
Mixed Use (Railroad Ave SPA) Mixed Use (Railroad Ave SPA)
Open Space Open Space
Park Park
Public/Institutional Public/Institutional
Regional Commercial Regional Commercial
Roadway Roadway
Service Commercial Service Commercial
Utility/ROW Utility/ROW
Very High Density Residential Very High Density Residential
Water Water
General Plan (2020) (9)
Community Commercial Community Commercial
Downtown Commercial Downtown Commercial
Downtown High Density Residential Downtown High Density Residential
Downtown Low Density Residential Downtown Low Density Residential
Downtown Medium Density Residential Downtown Medium Density Residential
Employment Center Industrial Employment Center Industrial
High Density Residential High Density Residential
Hillside Low Density Residential Hillside Low Density Residential
Industrial Industrial
Landfill Landfill
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential
Marina Commercial Marina Commercial
Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential
Mixed Use (Community Commercial) Mixed Use (Community Commercial)
Mixed Use (Downtown) Mixed Use (Downtown)
Mixed Use (General) Mixed Use (General)
Mixed Use (P/BP BART) Mixed Use (P/BP BART)
Mixed Use (Railroad Ave SPA) Mixed Use (Railroad Ave SPA)
Open Space Open Space
Park Park
Public/Institutional Public/Institutional
Regional Commercial Regional Commercial
Roadway Roadway
Service Commercial Service Commercial
Utility/ROW Utility/ROW
Very High Density Residential Very High Density Residential
Water Water
General Plan Subareas (45)
HCP Zone Types (94)
aquatic aquatic
aqueduct aqueduct
future urban future urban
new future urban new future urban
grassland grassland
non-native woodland non-native woodland
oak savanna oak savanna
oak woodland oak woodland
pond pond
riparian riparian
ruderal ruderal
seasonal wetland seasonal wetland
turf turf
urban urban
wetland wetland
<all other values> <all other values>
HCP Zone Fees (12)
Other, Agricultural Other, Agricultural
Other, Infill Other, Infill
Other, Natural Other, Natural
Urban, Agricultural Urban, Agricultural
Urban, Natural Urban, Natural
Master Sign Program Areas (13)
Protected Replacement Trees (59)
Railroad Landuse Limits (15)
Railroad Ave Specific LU (16)
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential
Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential
High Density Residential High Density Residential
Community Commercial Community Commercial
Business Commercial Business Commercial
Service Commercial Service Commercial
Public/Institutional Public/Institutional
Parks/Recreation Parks/Recreation
TOD Residential TOD Residential
TOD High TOD High
TOD Medium TOD Medium
Railroad LU Labels (17)
Residential Care Facilities (43)
Childcare Facility (80)
Childcare Buffer (83)
Daycare Buffer (5)
Daycare Facility (6)
Library Buffer (8)
Library Facility (84)
Park Buffer (86)
Park Facility (87)
Religious Assembly Buffer (89)
Religious Assembly Facility (90)
School Buffer (92)
School Facility (93)
Pittsburg SOI (19)
Concord SOI (20)
Antioch SOI (21)
Subdivisions (22)
School Districts (62)
Antioch Unified Antioch Unified
Mt. Diablo Unified Mt. Diablo Unified
Pittsburg Unified Pittsburg Unified
Bus Stops (27)
Bus Routes (28)
200 200
201 201
300 300
379 379
380 380
381 381
383 383
384 384
385 385
387 387
388 388
389 389
390 390
391 391
392 392
393 393
394 394
395 395
396 396
709 709
Truck Routes (41)
Urban Limits (23)
0.5-mile High-Quality Transit Buffer (1)
0.5-mile BART Station Buffer (97)
Transit Stops (96)
BART Stations (98)
WorkVMT (99)
15% Below 15% Below
Between 15% - 0% below Contra Costa County Average Between 15% - 0% below Contra Costa County Average
Above Contra Costa County Average Above Contra Costa County Average
TAZ with no Employees TAZ with no Employees
HBVMT (100)
15% below Contra Costa County Average 15% below Contra Costa County Average
Between 15% - 0% below Contra Costa County Average Between 15% - 0% below Contra Costa County Average
Above Contra Costa County Average Above Contra Costa County Average
TAZ with no Residents TAZ with no Residents
Zoning (24)
CC,Community Commercial CC,Community Commercial
CN,Neighborhood Commercial CN,Neighborhood Commercial
CO,Commercial Office CO,Commercial Office
CO-O,Commercial Office-Limited Overlay CO-O,Commercial Office-Limited Overlay
CP,Pedestrian Commercial CP,Pedestrian Commercial
CS,Service Commercial CS,Service Commercial
CS-D,Service Commercial-Downtown Overlay CS-D,Service Commercial-Downtown Overlay
CS-O,Service Commercial-Limited Overlay CS-O,Service Commercial-Limited Overlay
CW,Waterfront Commercial CW,Waterfront Commercial
GQ,Governmental and Quasipublic GQ,Governmental and Quasipublic
HPD,Hillside Planned District HPD,Hillside Planned District
IG,General Industrial IG,General Industrial
IG-O,General Industrial-Limited Overlay IG-O,General Industrial-Limited Overlay
IL,Limited Industrial IL,Limited Industrial
IL-O,Limited Industrial-Limited Overlay IL-O,Limited Industrial-Limited Overlay
IP,Industrial Park IP,Industrial Park
IP-O,Industrial Park-Limited Overlay IP-O,Industrial Park-Limited Overlay
M,Mixed Use M,Mixed Use
OS,Open Space OS,Open Space
OS,Open Space District OS,Open Space District
OS-O,Open Space District-Limited Overlay OS-O,Open Space District-Limited Overlay
PD,Planned Development PD,Planned Development
RH,High-Density Residential RH,High-Density Residential
RH-D,Downtown High-Density Residential RH-D,Downtown High-Density Residential
RM,Medium-Density Residential RM,Medium-Density Residential
RM-D,Medium-Density Residential - Downtown Overlay RM-D,Medium-Density Residential - Downtown Overlay
RM-O,Medium-Density Residential - Limited Overlay RM-O,Medium-Density Residential - Limited Overlay
RMD-O,Downtown Medium-Residential - Limited Overlay RMD-O,Downtown Medium-Residential - Limited Overlay
RS-10,Single Family Residential (10,000 sf min. lot size) RS-10,Single Family Residential (10,000 sf min. lot size)
RS-4,Single Family Residential (4,000 sf min. lot size) RS-4,Single Family Residential (4,000 sf min. lot size)
RS-5,Single Family Residential (5,000 sf min. lot size) RS-5,Single Family Residential (5,000 sf min. lot size)
RS-6,Single Family Residential (6,000 sf min. lot size) RS-6,Single Family Residential (6,000 sf min. lot size)
RS6-O,Single Family Residential (6,000 sf min. lot size) Limited Overlay RS6-O,Single Family Residential (6,000 sf min. lot size) Limited Overlay
<all other values> <all other values>